Postingan Nggak Bisa Tidur

Sudah jam 2 dini hari tapi nggak bisa tidur, padahal sudah berusaha memejamkan mata tapi tetep saja sulit. Padahal pagi nanti ada pelatihan jam 8.00 di Kota Tegal. Sebenarnya saya sudah kepingin tidur, mata juga sudah ngantuk, tapi mau bagaimana lagi. Akhirnya dengan berat hati, dengan harapan segera menemukan momen yang tepat untuk tidur, saya putuskan menyalakan kembali lektop saya. Dan jadilah postingan ini... Buka email malah dapat email spam yang pakai bahasa inggris yang kurang saya mengerti, dari Dr Hakim Garis, eh maksudnya Dr Haris Hakim yang nggak mutu... 

Dear Friend,
                       TOP SECRET
I am Dr Haris Hakim, the director in charge of auditing and accounting section of Bank of Africa,Ouagadougou Burkina faso West Africa with due respect and regard.I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be very beneaficial to both of  us at the end of the transaction.
During our investigation  and auditing in this bank ,my department came across a very huge sum of money  belonging  to a deceased person  who died in a plane crash july 2000 and the fund has been dormant in his account with this Bank with out any claim of the fund  in our custody either from his family or relation before our discovery to this developement.
The said amount was EIGHTHEEN MILLION united states  dollars.($18000.000.00) Meanwhile all the whole arrangement to put the claim over this fund as the bonafide next of kin to the deceased;get the required approval and transfer this money to a foriegn account  has  been put in place and directives and needed information will be relayed to you  as soon  as  you indicate your interest and willingness to assist us and  also benefit your self to this great business opportunity.
Infact i could have done this deal alone  but because  of my position in this country as a civil servant(A Banker),we are not  allowed  to operate  a foriegn account and would eventually  raise  an eye  brow  on my side  during  the time of transfer becuase i work  in this bank. This is the reason why it will require  a second party or fellow  who  will forward claims  as the next of kin to the bank  and  also present  a foriegn account where he will need the money  to be  retransferred into  on his request  as it may be after due verification and clarification by the correspondent branch  of the bank where the  money will be remitted from to your own designation bank account.
I will not fail to inform you that this transaction  is 100% risk free.On smooth conclusion of this transaction;you will be entitled  to 30%of the total  sum as gratification;while5% will be set aside to take care of expenses that may arise during the time of transfer and also telephone  bills; while65%will be for me. Please you have been adviced to keep  top secret as i am still in service and intend to retire  from service after we conclude  this deal with you.
I will be monitoring  the whole  situation here in this bank until you confirm the money  in your account  and ask  me to come  down to your country  for subsequent sharing of the fund according  to percentages previously  indicated and further investment,either in  your
country or any  country  you advice us to invest. All other necessary vital  information will be sent to  you when i hear from you.
Please reply to this email:
Yours  faithfully
Dr Haris Hakim.

18 comments for "Postingan Nggak Bisa Tidur"

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Wah kl saya baru bangun ni mas, gak bisa tidur lg. Jadi ya udah kita baca bareng2 aja surat gak mutu itu *sambil bingung artinya apa*
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wah sama mas,, saya juga ga bisa tidur. itu maksud email-nya apa mas, ga mudeng saya.
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@Mbak Winny: Habis pesta ya Mbak? he.he
jangan dibaca mbak, ini "mantra" biar saya lekas tidur kok he..he..he..
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@Dwi: nggak usah diartikan Mas, ini cuma bagian pelampiasan saya saja... kepingin tidur tapi sulit banget.... seperti tersiksa..he.he.he
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Saya bingung ngartiin email diatas. Maklum, bhs inggris saya pas2an.
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Sekarang sudah pagi kawan...
Siap2 dan bergegas menuju pelatihan di akhir pekan...
Klo emailnya no komen..

Salam kawan
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helug, ndak bisa tidur baca email seperti diatas... apa langsung ngantuk apa malah nggak bisa tidur tuch >.<

mumet mas, ndak ngerti maksudnya >.< tidur ah (loh?)
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kyknya memang ndak bisa tidur deh.... smp email spam kyk gitu di posting juga :D
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Keren emailnya.. hehehe
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email yg panjang biasanya emailnya org kangen... hehe
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email pengantar tidur dong itu mas..heheh..
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Haha kok bisa sama sob.. saya juga semalam gak bisa tidur akhirnya dapat sebuah postingan haha..
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Kalau saya siang tadi gak bisa kemana-mana sob.. abis ujan sejak pagi sampai jelang Isya.. akhirnya kutak-ketik aja sambil melototin TV n jadilah postingan yg ini
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hahaa :)) kalo ga bisa tidur mending ngitung domba aja mas, saya sering begitu -.-
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hehehehe... saya juga sering kebanjiran spam ga mutu mas :-)
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udah lama aku nggak nerima email 'durian runtuh' kayak gini qe3

Rata-rata emang ngaku dari benua Afrika, beberapa kepulauan Karibia dan sedikit Timur Tengah :)

Moga ngeblog bisa jadi obat (nyaris) insomnia qe3
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betul bro, setelah baca email itu dijamin langsung ngantuk... soalnya pakai bahasa arab...
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Walau nggak bisa tidur, yang penting tetap semangat... :)